
 I moved this month to be closer to work and friends. Couldn't be happier with the new house, but the process did force some tough decisions. What to purge, what to keep, and what to replace? I have never been very attached to "stuff" but I found myself struggling to let go of one item in particular. My youngest child's "big girl bed". At 13 she felt she needed to step up the maturity level and needed a more sophisticated place to sleep. I tried to convince her that a white, wrought iron, twin bed with pink billowy covers was for ALL ages. When that didn't work I tried to make my 18 year old son take it. Never mind that at 6'3" he couldn't  completely stretch out in it... Of course he passed. It was clear that a change was in order, but I felt so attached to this bed. This ordinary, not very expensive, easily replaceable bed. After a few days I realized my attachment was not so much to the bed itself, but to my daughter's childhood. This was proof in a tangible form that she was becoming a young woman. I am so proud of who she is, but I do miss my little girl. In questioning why I was having such a hard time letting go, I realized that I was trying to hold on to something that was no longer in existence. With a sigh of resignation and a goodbye I passed the bed on to another little girl who was ready for her first big girl bed.